日期 |
時間 |
地點 |
講員 |
講題 |
聯絡人 |
98/3/19 (四) |
10:00~11:00 |
台大大氣A104教室 |
陳嬿竹 台灣大學大氣科學系 (預備口試) |
A Study of Compact Typhoon in the Western North Pacific |
李清勝 台大大氣系 |
98/3/17 (二) |
10:00~11:00 |
氣象局3樓 310 會議室 |
劉雅章 博士 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory /NOAA Princeton University, USA |
Role of air-sea interaction in the climatological evolution and ENSO-related variability of the summer monsoon over South China Sea and western North Pacific |
98/3/16 (一) new |
14:00~15:00 |
中央研究院環變中心演講廳(人文館南棟11樓) |
Dr. Ngar-Cheung Lau Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab., NOAA, USA |
Simulation of Asian monsoon weather and climate using a high resolution GCM at GFDL |
98/3/13 (五) new |
14:30~15:30 |
氣象局 3樓 311 會議室 |
Dr. Shian-Jiann Lin 林先建博士 NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, USA. |
Ensemble seasonal predictions and medium-range deterministic forecasts of tropical cyclones with GFDL's prototype global non-hydrostatic cloud-resolving model |
98/3/13 (五) new |
14:00~15:00 |
台大大氣A104教室 |
Dr. Tom Knutson Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA, USA |
Atlantic Hurricanes and Climate Change |
吳俊傑 台大大氣系 |
98/3/13 (五) new |
10:30~11:30 |
氣象局 3樓 311 會議室 |
Dr. Thomas R. Knutson Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA, USA |
Atlantic Hurricanes and Climate Change |
98/3/11 (三) |
14:00~15:00 |
中央研究院環變中心演講廳(人文館南棟11樓) |
Dr. Biqing Liang Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, USA |
Terrestrial black carbon biogeochemistry |
98/3/10 (二) |
14:20~15:10 |
台大大氣B105教室 |
Dr. Shian-Jiann Lin 林先建博士 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA |
Simulated global tropical cyclone climatology, inter-annual variability, and response to global warming using a high-resolution climate model |
吳俊傑 台大大氣系 |
98/3/10 (二) |
13:20~14:10 |
台大大氣B105教室 |
Dr. Suzana J. Camargo Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Columbia University |
Examining the relationship of tropical cyclone activity with ENSO and Madden-Julian Oscillation |
吳俊傑 台大大氣系 |
98/3/9 (一) |
10:30~11:30 |
中大科學二館S1-713教室 |
Dr. Shian-Jiann Lin 林先建博士 NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, USA. |
Ensemble seasonal predictions and medium-range deterministic forecasts of tropical cyclones with GFDL's prototype global non-hydrostatic cloud-resolving model |
98/3/9 (一) new |
10:30~11:30 |
氣象局 3樓 311 會議室 |
Dr. Suzana J. Camargo Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Columbia University |
Cluster analysis of tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic and the Pacific |
98/3/6 (五) new |
10:30~11:30 |
氣象局 3樓 311 會議室 |
Dr. Po-Wen Shen(申博文博士) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, U.S.A. |
Global Mesoscale Modeling on NASA Supercomputers: Preliminary Multiscale Simulations of Tropical Cyclogenesis and Madden-Julian Oscillations |
98/3/5 (四) new |
13:30~14:30 |
文大大義621教室 |
吳朝榮教授 台灣師範大學地球科學系 |
Kuroshio, eddies, and typhoons |
- Mar 03 Tue 2009 19:21