日期 |
時間 |
地點 |
講員 |
講題 |
聯絡人 |
105/2/25 (二) new |
13:20~14:10 |
台大大氣B105教室 |
莊慧亞博士NOAA NCEP |
Recent and upcoming GFS and its product upgrades |
林博雄 台大大氣系 |
105/2/24 (三) |
14:00~15:00 |
中研院環變中心演講廳(人文館南棟11樓) |
Dr. Ying-Hsuan Lin Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry Postdoctoral Scholar, Michigan Society of Fellows University of Michigan |
Secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene and its implications for climate and human health |
105/2/19 (五)時間異動 |
15:00~16:00 |
中大太遙中心 R2-116 |
Daniela Wenzel |
Ionospheric propagation of very low frequency radio waves and advances in solar flare analysis |
105/2/19 (五)時間異動 |
14:00~15:00 |
中大太遙中心 R2-116 |
Dr.rer.nat. Jens Berdermann |
Space Weather and its influence on the Ionosphere |
105/2/19 (五) new |
10:30~12:00 |
中央大學科學二館S1-713 |
Prof. Johnny Chan City University of Hong Kong Dean of School of Energy and Environment Chair Professor of Atmospheric Science |
Tropical Cyclone Size: Climatology and Mechanisms for its Change |
105/2/17 (三) new |
14:00~15:00 |
中研院環變中心演講廳(人文館南棟11樓) |
Dr. Yi-Chi Wang Postdoctoral Fellow Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica |
Improving rainfall variability in the climate model : Impacts of convective triggering on diurnal convection and scale-interactions |
105/2/17 (三) new |
10:00~11:00 |
中央氣象局311會議室 地點更正 |
Dr. Cheng-Hsuan (Sarah) Lu Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, State University of New York at Albany, USA |
Building Extreme Weather Resiliency through Improved Weather and Climate Prediction and Emergency Response Strategies: Overview and R2O/O2R PARTNERSHIP |
105/2/16 (二) new |
15:00~16:30 |
中央大學科學二館S1-713 |
Dr. Cheng-Hsuan (Sarah) Lu Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, State University of New York at Albany, USA |
Building Extreme Weather Resiliency through Improved Weather and Climate Prediction and Emergency Response Strategies: Overview and R2O/O2R PARTNERSHIP |
105/2/16 (二) |
10:00~11:00 |
中央氣象局501會議室 |
Prof. Johnny Chan City University of Hong Kong Dean of School of Energy and Environment Chair Professor of Atmospheric Science |
Dynamical Seasonal Forecasting of Typhoon Landfall Activity |