日期 |
時間 |
地點 |
講員 |
講題 |
聯絡人 |
104/10/7 (三) |
14:00~15:00 |
中研院環變中心演講廳(人文館南棟11樓) |
Dr. Nicolas Freychet Postdoctoral Research Fellow Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica |
Extreme Weather Events in East Asia |
104/8/14 (五) new |
14:00~15:30 |
中央大學科學二館S1-713教室 |
朱寶信教授 Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii. Chair Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU |
Variability of Hawaiian winter rainfall during La Nina events over the last 60 years |
104/8/12 (三) |
14:00~15:00 |
中研院環變中心演講廳(人文館南棟11樓) |
Academician Shaw Chen Liu Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica |
Changes of regional precipitation during the warming period of 1979-2013 |
104/8/11 (二) |
15:00~16:30 |
中央大學科學二館S1-713教室 |
呂承萱博士 University at Albany, State University of New York |
Global aerosol modeling at NCEP: current capabilities and future direction |
104/8/4 (二) new |
14:00~15:30 |
中央大學科學二館S1-713教室 |
朱寶信教授 Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii. Chair Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU |
A comparison of trends in precipitation extremes in Taiwan and Hawaii |
104/8/4 (二) |
14:00~15:00 |
中研院環變中心演講廳(人文館南棟11樓) |
商文義教授 Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Purdue Univ., USA |
Bernoulli Equation & Flow over a Mountain |
104/8/3 (一) |
14:20~15:10 |
台大大氣B105教室 |
商文義教授 Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Purdue Univ., USA |
Bernolli Equation and Flow over a mountain |
周仲島 台大大氣系 |