Research Center for Environmental Changes
Academia Sinica
The Research Center for Environmental Changes invites applications at the Assistant, Associate and Full Research Fellow levels in the following fields:
1) Diagnostics and modeling of climate variability and change, and climate model development;
2) Atmospheric chemistry, particularly relevant to the changes in regional atmospheric composition and air quality.
One position for each field beginning in 2016 is available. Applicants are expected to have a doctoral degree in related fields by start of the appointment. Further information about the Research Center for Environmental Changes and related research can be found at
Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, research plan and the names of three referees, before October 15, 2015, to:
Dr. Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chair
Researcher Search Committee
Research Center for Environmental Changes,
Academia Sinica,
128, Academia Road, Section 2
Taipei 115, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-2652-5173
Fax: +886-2-2783-3584
, and also a copy to Dr. Charles C.-K. Chou (
Both regular and electronic mails are acceptable. Upon receipt of the application, an acknowledgement email will be sent to the applicant within a week. Applicants who do not receive the acknowledgement email please contact the Chair of the Researcher Search Committee via email or telephone for confirmation.