日期 |
時間 |
地點 |
講員 |
講題 |
聯絡人 |
102/3/7 (四) new |
13:20~14:10 |
台大大氣B105教室 |
Prof. Jian Lu Assistant Professor, Dept. of Atmosphere Ocean and Earth Sciences, George Mason Univ |
Distinguishing the mechanisms of the zonal mean atmospheric circulation response to global warming versus El Niño---role of irreversible PV mixing |
吳俊傑 台大大氣系 |
102/3/6 (三) new |
15:30~16:30 |
台大大氣A100教室 |
Prof. Jian Lu Assistant Professor, Dept. of Atmosphere Ocean and Earth Sciences, George Mason Univ |
Where is it going to warm?---Role of Ocean Dynamical feedback in the climate response to GHG warming |
吳俊傑 台大大氣系 |
102/3/6 (三) new |
10:00~12:00 |
中央大學太遙中心 R2-116 |
Dr. Martin Isenburg Rapidlasso GmbH |
Efficient LiDAR Processing with LAStools |
102/2/27 (三) new |
14:00~15:00 |
中央研究院環變中心演講廳(人文館南棟11樓) |
任昊佳 博士 中央研究院環變中心博士後研究 |
An emerging global picture of marine nitrogen cycle in the last 150,000 years: Implications for changes in the biological pump and atmospheric carbon dioxide |
102/2/27 (三) |
15:30~16:20 |
台大大氣A104教室 |
陶為國 博士 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA |
A Robust Multi-scale Modeling System for the Study of Cloud and Precipitation Processes |
隋中興 台大大氣系 |
102/2/27 (三) new |
10:00~12:00 |
中央大學太遙中心 R2-116 |
Dr. Pradeep Goswami Professor of Geology, Centre of Advanced Studies, Department of Geology, Kumaun University,The Durham, Tallital, India |
Geohazard Vulnerability and Management of Uttarakhand, India: focus on landslides and earthquakes with the block tectonics perspective |