日期 |
時間 |
地點 |
講員 |
講題 |
聯絡人 |
101/12/20 (四) |
13:30~14:30 |
文大大義館621教室 |
張保亮博士 中央氣象局氣象衛星中心 |
The Impacts of Foehn Winds on Radar observations |
101/12/17 (一) |
10:30~12:30 |
台灣颱風洪水研究中心 12樓會議室 |
Dr. Jui-Lin (Frank) Li Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Cal Tech |
An observational-based Evaluation of Cloud Water and Radiation in Weather Forecast Models, Global Climate Models and Reanalyses |
101/12/14 (五) new |
11:20~12:10 |
台大大氣A100教室 |
Prof. Takeshi Enomoto Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science kyoto university, Japan |
Use of operational forecast models in education and research |
吳俊傑 台大大氣系 |
101/12/14 (五) new |
10:20~11:10 |
台大大氣A100教室 |
Prof. Shigeo Yoden Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science kyoto university, Japan |
A Downscaling Experiment on Heavy Rainfall during the Jakarta Flood Event 2007, under an International Collaborative Research Project in Tropical Asia |
吳俊傑 台大大氣系 |
101/12/13 (四) new |
13:30~14:30 |
文大大義館621教室 |
Dr. Jui-Lin (Frank) Li Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Cal Tech |
Clouds, Convection, Precipitation and Radiation Interactions: From ECMWF Global Weather Forecast to NCAR CESM1 Climate Simulations |
101/12/12 (三) new |
15:30~16:20 |
台大大氣A104教室 |
Dr. Jui-Lin (Frank) Li Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Cal Tech |
Characterizing radiation impacts of precipitating hydrometeors using ECMWF IFS, NASA GEOS5 and NCAR CESM1 Sensitivity Experiments |
羅敏輝 台大大氣系 |
101/12/11 (二) |
10:10~12:00 |
文大大義館301教室 |
隋中興教授 台灣大學大氣科學系 |
全球暨東亞區域水循環與其伴隨氣候暖化之反應 |
101/12/10 (一) |
13:30~14:30 |
文大大義館621教室 |
王世宇教授 Department of Plants, Soils and Climate, Utah State University |
How does global warming aid ENSO prediction? - An CESM study |
101/12/6 (四) |
13:30~14:30 |
文大大義館621教室 |
張智北教授 台灣大學大氣科學系 |
最近十年台灣颱風強降雨為什麼大量增加? |
101/12/6 (四) new |
13:20~14:10 |
台大大氣A104教室 |
洪夢白博士 Climate Prediction Center, NCEP/NWS/NOAA |
I. MJO Prediction in the Climate Forecast System Version 2 II. Intraseasonal air-sea fluxes in reanalyses and observations during the DYNAMO period |
陳維婷 台大大氣系 |
101/12/5 (三) |
14:00~15:00 |
中央研究院環變中心演講廳(人文館南棟11樓) |
Dr. Rokjin Park School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Seoul National University, South Korea |
Urban air quality modeling with full O3-NOx-VOC chemistry: Implications for O3 and PM air quality in a street canyon |