計畫期間:自民國 100 年 7 月 1 日 至 民國 102 年 1 月 31 日。
報名期間:即日起 至 100 年 8 月 24 日止
起薪:新台幣 4 萬餘元
1. 理工系碩士畢業 或 大學畢業具 1 年以上相關工作經驗。
2. 有 1 年以上 Linux 環境工作及發展經驗。
3. 對於在 Linux 環境工作及發展有濃厚興趣者。
4. 有 GPS 資料接收處理實務經驗 或 大氣/太空科學背景 者尤佳。
1. Familiar with RedHat based Linux systems.
2. Can perform basic web server (Apache 2.x) management.
3. Experience with word processors (e.g. Microsoft Office,, etc.) for documentation and presentation.
4. Ability to read and write in English fluently.
5. Shell script programming:BASH is required, PERL is a plus.
6. Experience with PostgreSQL RDBMS management is a plus.
7. Experience with Linux HA is a plus.
8. Experience with C/C++ , Fortran , Bernese , gnuplot , Matlab(Octave) is a plus.
9. Experience with other Unix-based services (e.g. NFS, Sendmail...etc) is a plus.
Job content:Assist TACC operation on
1. Linux system maintenance.
2. TACC system automation. (both base OS and TACC application processes )
3. TACC operation issues and problem resolving.
4. TACC application system development and documentation.
5. GPS data network communication and site maintenance.