目前分類:學術活動資訊 (594)

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講  題 : Ensemble seasonal predictions and medium-range deterministic forecasts of tropical cyclones with GFD  

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主講人:Prof. Clive S. Fraser Department of Geomatics University of  Melbourne

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講  題 : 典型黑潮中尺度現象及其動力解釋 


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講  題 : Global Mesoscale Modeling on NASA Supercomputers:Preliminary Multiscale Simulations of Tropical Cycl  

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講      題 : Representation and evaluation of PBL stratocumulus, transition and shallow cumulus in GCMs and Regio  

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演講主題:Plasma environment in the lunar wake observed by SELENE (KAGUYA)  

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98年1月13日(星期二)上午9:00起至98年1月15日(星期四)17:00止,一律網路報名 (非報名期間,系統不開放)報名網址:http://exam.nctu.edu.tw/

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發表於 2008-12-11 16:17:54

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發表於 2008-12-12 08:47:15

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